Final outcome

Instead of having the same image with different hair, I thought it would be more interesting if I also showed more of the stereotype that the hairstyle gives. 
To do this, I decided to take photographs of my friend, with the same facial expression, but with different make-up and clothing to show her character. 
I felt this would portray the message that the hair styles people have may change how they look, and how you think of them to be, but it doesn't change who they are, as they are the same person inside no matter how they look. 

I chose to investigate and focus on 5 different 'looks'; 

1) 'nerd' 

To show this character, I drew a moustache on my friend and gave her glasses. 
I dressed her in a smart shirt, with the collar coming over a knitter jumper.

This is my final image for this look. 

2) 'hippy'

To show this character, I gave my friend bright colourful make-up, darker eyebrows and a nose ring. I dressed her in a floral top, with flower accessories. 

This is my final image for this look. 

3) 'sophisticated' / 'classy' 

To show this character, I put lipstick on my friend and dressed her in a plain white blouse. 

This is my final image for this look. 

4) 'punk rocker' 

To show this character, I gave my friend dark eyes and a lip piercing, and dressed her in dark clothing with a chain. 


This is my final image for this look. 

5) 'multi-cultural' / 'religious' 

To show this character, I gave my friend a Bhrumadhya and dressed her in a pashmina. 

This is my final image for this look. 

I think that all my 5 final images show and represent how people see others with these labels.
These images link to my photographers and inspirations for this project;
Billy & Hells show how looks can be changed and disguised with how the hair is, which is what my images are made to do. It makes you jump to conclusions and stereotype the person.
Oriane Zerah shows obsession over hair, and how we always go to extents to change our hair and follow the fashion, which is what my photos also show. My images suggest that, if people do not want to have a certain label or stereotype on them, they will change their hair to portray who they are.
My other inspiration was the changing hair app. This helped me a lot in this project, as it really linked to the message that I wanted to get across, written in my statement of intent.
I believe my final 5 images really show how hair can transform a persons image, and who people think they are.

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