Photographer : Sylwana Zybura

-Sylwana Zybura

Sylwana Zybura uses props with hair to suggest the idea that hair is more like an accessory to some people, rather than just part of their body. Many people use their hair to attract attention. In todays society, there are hair models and hair shows, which shows how much people value hair. They go to extents to flaunt it and have big hair dos along with eye catching colours. Sylwana Zybura portrays this idea by disguising the hair as different things.

My favourite image is the first one in the top left hand corner. She has made the hair seem to be a tie. The composition of the photograph is symmetrical, and the subject is centred. The use of a plain black black ground and a plain white shirt contrast the colours and ensure that the hair stands out. However, saying this, your eye is first drawn to the collar of the shirt, as it is in the middle of the image, and has the colours pointing towards it.

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