Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent:

For my exam I have chosen the question 'Hair Care'.
I chose this question, as I find it interesting that the appearance of  ones hair can change your perception of that person.
Hair Care is an enormous industry in itself; extending from hair salons and beauty products, to wigs. It has almost become an obsession in todays society, as we style and groom our hair differently depending on fashion trends. We have expectations of how hair should look in the modern day, including the pressure of hair removal for women.
The generation and culture you are part of will inevitabley influence how your hair looks, and this is an aspect of what I want to portray in my photographs.
I want to investigate the different hairstyles of different eras, and show how they transform the overall image of a person, and can also encourage stereotypes and discrimination. People tend to judge others and assume their personality type based on their outward appearance, and I think hair plays a big part in this.
My work will mainly link to the work of photographers Billy & Hells and Oriane Zerah. I chose these photographers as inspiration, as they each, individually, hold different aspects that I want to include in my project. Billy & Hells show how the way someone looks can be changed due to hair, whilst Oriane Zerah portrays obsession over hair.
To carry out my work, I am going to use portraiture photography, to ensure that it shows the true impact that hair has on people.

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